What we offer

  • An independent heavy lift service provider
  • Services include project preparation, project engineering, project management, project execution


In the coming years, the oceans of the world will become the scene of deep sea wind farms with floating turbines. The current large land cranes and existing floating cranes for integration will no longer suffice. To integrate the new floating wind turbines efficient in time and cost, OWL M4 offers the solution. The floating OWL M4 remains mobile, even during work and no valuable quay space or new build quay is needed. In doing so, we use local content that benefits the local community.

OWL M4 is Zero Emission and is based on 130 years of operational experience with built ships of co-owner Bonn & Mees. With 600 operations per year, Bonn & Mees brings the knowledge and experience for a ship with the highest possible safety. OWL M4 is indispensable in the installation of next generation of wind turbines to boost the energy transition.

For floating turbine integration

  • Construction & assembling of Floating Foundation.
  • Operations can be performed in any sheltered location with sufficient waterdepth (> 8 mtr).
  • No quayside or any other port facilities required, floating crane can operation autonomously, worldwide.
  • Load is transported to the floating foundations, no need to shift the floating foundations to the “hook”.
  • Multiple foundations can be assembled simultaneously, possibility to greatly optimize production and meet the futureproduction requirements.
  • All current floating foundations design served. Minimum outreach floating crane 40m.
  • Both foundations with a centrally positioned tower as with an asymmetrical located tower location are accessible

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